1:10 p.m.
Well, I started my day learning a new lesson.My fasting BG was much higher than normal - 117.
I had a pretty big lunch yesterday so I was not hungry at supper time and thought I would skip supper and just eat a bedtime snack of peanut butter. But, at bedtime I still wasn't hungry and the thought of a spoonful of peanut butter was making me feel as if it would gag me, so I passed on that also. Got up this morning and took my BG and had 117. So I thought "Well, lesson learned. I cannot skip meals even if I am not hungry".
For a brief second I wondered if it was failure to take my meds. At lunch I looked over and realized I had forgotten to take my evening meds - not just last night but the night before also. That is practically inexcusable since I have an alarm set on my cell phone to remind me every evening. Problem is - the cell phone sits in my den with me and not in the kitchen, so I have developed a bad habit of hitting the alarm button without getting up to go take my pills. But then again, my understanding is that it took time for the Metformin to build up in my system, so surely missing 2 nights in a row did not affect my BG that quick. So, yeah, skipping supper is looking like the guilty dog again.