Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 26

Still doing well. BG still looks good. Vision is about the same as last week. Energy is about the same too, but I do use a bit of whatever energy my body allocates with my exercises, so I guess I'm doing pretty well, all in all.

Still looking for really good, low-carb recipes to supplement my limited list. Had Tomato Soup & Grill Cheese for lunch. It is slightly higher on carbs for a single meal, but I will make up for it with a salad supper, so it's all good.

Anxiously awaiting my iPod and docking station. So tired of being limited to my Discman and having to select one single CD to entertain me through the entire exercise time, which exceeds 30 minutes right now and will be pushing closer to 1 hour next week. According to tracking information the iPod is out for delivery for today, but the docking station is still in Kentucky and the ETA is Wednesday. USPS tracking site said not to look for updates to that delivery information for the next 3 days. Well, that kinda sucks! They work on Saturdays, so why no update tomorrow? And seriously? I could drive to KY and back before next Wed., so why can't they get it here in one direction quicker than that! Geez! Oh well, waiting is the price you pay for ordering online rather than running around the different retailers locally trying to find what you want.

Okay, off to shower & shampoo and get ready to go see if my doctor is pleased with my progress so far. I think I am doing really well. I just hope he doesn't say I am doing mediocre or not so well - that would break my little heart! O.O

And yes, my appointment is NOT until 3:30, but I hate to have to get ready in one non-stop action. I prefer to shower, piddle, blow dry hair, piddle, flat-iron hair, piddle, put on make-up, piddle, get half-dressed, piddle, piddle some more and then finish dressing just before I need to walk out the door. I have truly refined my procrastination streak since retirement - lol!

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