Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 111

8:00 p.m.
Fasting BG about the same. I am even more curious about what my fasting BG should be now. We got the card in the mail with my hubby's blood-work results. it didn't give the A1c but it gave his fasting BG and that was 111 and the note said "Slightly elevated". So, is that considered slightly elevated for a non-diabetic or would that apply to a diabetic also. Not sure.

BG after lunch was only 106. I had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. I haven't had one of those in forever. Of course it was sugar-free jelly. And actually, it wasn't jelly either, it was Sugar-Free Strawberry Preserves. They were okay, but to be honest, I wouldn't even eat that jelly if it weren't for diabetes. Oh well, I think when this jar is gone I will try a different flavor so I can actually try "jelly".


  1. You might want to look at Polaner's all fruit...

  2. ooooh, that sounds good. I will look into that. Thanks and love you! (

    Oh, and a p.s. - I have some Tilda's stamped for you, I just haven't managed to package them and mail them. Holler if you go north any time soon.)
