Thursday, June 30, 2011

#Diabetes Day 164

7:45 p.m.
Nothing new to report - just an average kinda day. BG post lunch was real good. I had Wanchai Ferry Spicy Garlic Chicken and my BG was only 102 post test. Not bad. 

House is all quiet now - all the grand-kids are gone their separate ways for a few days. Lets see if hubby dear will be a dear and not act contrary for the next few days and I can pretend I'm on vacation! :P

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

#Diabetes Day 163

10:30 p.m.
Today was a better day 0- no headache - that alone made it a better day, but my glucoses have ll been better also. Well, I guess "all". Fasting was 103, and while I prefer a lower fasting, my doctor considers 103 a good fasting, so okay.

Fresh salad and cheese stuffed crust pepperoni pizza for supper and post test was 111, so woo hoo - good number for a pizza meal! :D

Time to say Good Night Moon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

#Diabetes Day 162

8:00 p.m.
Been a bad day - and I thought I felt yucky yesterday. Woke with a serious headache and high BG. Glucose has stayed higher than I want all day . . . and the headache has stayed with me all day. Nothing makes it go away. Two Aleve with breakfast - no help. Three Motrin with lunch - minor help, but didn't make it go away. Three more Motrin around 4 and it only kept it from regressing to the level it started at. 

And in the middle of the day I experienced several dizzy spells. Not real bad spells, but enough that I wanted my hubby in the upstairs den when I took a shower - just in case. Don't know what that was all about, but I'm glad those passed and didn't keep recurring.

I'm about to take 2 more Aleve and in a couple of hours I'm going to take a muscle relaxer and hope it helps me sleep well tonight and hopefully wake in the morning without this blasted headache. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

#Diabetes Day 161

4:00 p.m.
Meh, been a yucky kinda day - haven't really felt like doing much and my stomach has been iffy.  I suspect the meds I started taking last month for my cholesterol (generic: Simvastatin - a Zocor generic) since I seem to have more days than not where my stomach is just not  happy camper. 

Fasting BG was 101 - no other number  for today yet. I may test post supper . . . maybe.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

#Diabetes Day 160

7:20 p.m.
Fasting was 91 but Fiber One for breakfast promptly changed that to 169. I started to test again post-lunch, but decided I didn't have enough carbs to be very concerned. Supper is left-over pizza - I may test that and just be sure. I've tested post-pizza a few times and it never seemed to hit my glucose too hard so I'm thinking it will be okay. 

And for some reason I woke this morning thinking it was Saturday. Don't know how my mind gets mixed up like that,b it it's not the first time I've had my days mixed up - and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

#Diabetes Day 159

8:45 p.m.
Good day so far - fasting was 102 and I just tested post-supper and had 124 - kinda mixed on my feelings regarding that result since we went out for Mexican and I actually had 3 small margaritas. As I understand it, alcohol can have a negative impact on blood sugar, and in some people that could be a bad thing. But since I have never had any issues with hypoglycemic episodes overnight, I want to assume I am okay. I will test again before bed and see where I am then.

As for Alcohol and Diabetes, here is what the ADA says:

And, here is what the WebMD says:

And, here is what they say on dLife:

I had 3, which were probably about 5 oz. each, one over the limit set by these standards. But I feel that at this time I have such a tight rein on my numbers that I can afford to go one over every now and again. Outside of an occasion such as tonight was I generally only consume one 12oz margarita a month. So i'm okay with a splurge every now and then :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

#Diabetes Day 158

3:40 p.m.
Wish I had remembered to test my fasting number today. Ever since my doctor said it was not necessary to test my fasting every day I seem to miss that test in my random daily test more often than any other daily random. Well, actually, I forget a lot of them and end up testing post-supper more often than not. So, anyway, no number for today - yet, I hope yet. I hope I remember to test post supper.

Day 157

No excuses - I just forgot to log in and post for Thursday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#Diabetes Day 156

8:45 p.m.
Good Supper - baked bean, slaw, corn and broccoli - BG 130 :)

I'm really happy today. At our house my dear hubby does the grocery shopping - that is something that we slowly morphed into over 30+ years of marriage. And it works well, for the most part. But then there are those other times. Most of you probably know those times. The ones where a person in our life, well, okay, admittedly, primarily the men in our lives don't actually engage full brain energy in decision making. Such has been the case the last few weeks as I put sugar-free ice cream on the grocery list. 

I told Hubby Dear that a friend had posted on facebook that Wal-Mart had their own brand that was sugar-free and fat-free and actually tasted good. But alas, hubby brought no ice cream home for me. He said they didn't have any Wal-mart brand ice cream that was both sugar-free and fat-free.

The next week I asked him to look for sugar-free ice cream again - any brand. No ice cream.

Last week I asked if he was looking just for the Wal-Mart brand or any and he said any. But still no ice cream.

Today he said he was going to go to Wal-Mart and I asked him to look for sugar-free ice cream again. He said he looks every time but that I was welcome to go with him and see for myself. So I did go. 

I came home with two different half gallons and was tempted to buy a couple of other flavors . . . ALL sugar free ice cream. 

So how is it that I now have sugar-free ice cream in the freezer that has not been there for the last few weeks? Well, it's because the carton reads "No Sugar Added" as opposed to "Sugar-Free". I never requested "No Sugar Added" ice cream - I requested "Sugar-free" ice cream.

I'm also proud of the fact that i didn't clobber him upside the head with a box of Edy's Fruit Pops that I also nabbed a few boxes of.

ummm . . . yeah, frozen treats are a weakness of mine.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#Diabetes Day 155

5:00 p.m.
Slow day. Fasting was 100 post lunch was 139, so all in all a decent day. 

Other than test and eat all I have accomplished today is  .  .  .  well, not much really. Got excited a couple of times when the sky teased us thunder. We got a sprinkle, but no measurable rain. :\

Monday, June 20, 2011

#Diabetes Day 154

4:50 p.m.
Been a pretty good day. No BG reading so far. 

It seems odd that I was better able to remember my finger sticks when I had to do them more often. Now that my doctor says I only need to test once a day i tend to forget, over and over again. I need to tell him I am going to go back to testing twice just to see if I get better about remembering the post meal test if I start my day with the fasting test. 

And I really need to test my Skinny Cow treats to see if they are hitting me harder than I need. I sure hope not - it's summertime in the south and I need me some ice cream!

Speaking of my doctor . . . oops, I also forgot to send him my glucose numbers for the last two weeks. Should have sent that in last Friday. Guess I know what is next on my agenda. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

#Diabetes Day 153

10:00 p.m.
Decent day. I tested breakfast and only went to 141, so I was happy with that. Lunch was good. I didn't test it, but I think it would have been good since I had Asian Glazed Ribs, broccoli & mashed cauliflower. Skipped supper because I was still full from lunch so I ate a protein bar to tide me over.

Still slightly stressful day since I've had an ADHD 67 y.o. all weekend - and she is still here. I love her to death, but I sure look forward to the quiet after she leaves.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

#Diabetes Day 153

10:47 p.m.
Good day - numbers wise. I treated myself to a Starbucks Caramel Machiatto and I did NOT get the skinny. I needed the caffeine and the taste of the regular. I also needed it to chase my Aleve since caffeine helps with pain relievers, or at least it does for me. Tested an hour & a half later and was only at 128, so that helped, both my feelings and my headache.

Had BBQ Pork sandwich with slaw for supper and tested 141, so again, I'm happy with today's numbers.

Headache is back, but I have taken something for that and I'm about to kick back and either watch something mind-numbing on TV or read my book. 

Good Night All.

Friday, June 17, 2011

#Diabetes Day 152

3:30 p.m.
Well, I meant to test fasting and forgot, so I thought I'd test post-breakfast and forgot, so I decided lunch would work even though I have tested lunch three days in a row now and that kinda messes with the "random" aspect, but I forgot so now I am shooting for post-supper and I think I have no hope. Can I blame Diabetes for a poor memory? Well, then, can I blame years of Corporate America stress? C'mon, lets not make me blame age - age is always getting a bum rap.

Well, to be perfectly honest I'm going to take the lunch miss out of the calculations because my house was Grand Central during lunch with one grand-kid arriving with another grand-kid leaving and there was repeat processes taking place in the way of lunch meals fed. Does that make sense? No? Well, if you know me, then you know it does! But, for those who don't "really" know me it goes like this: I had started preparing a sub-style sandwich for Brett - my 15 y.o. grandson who has been staying with us this week. While making his lunch the momma of McKenzie, my 6 y.o. grand-daughter, called to ask if she could go ahead and drop her off for the weekend. Since my lunch was going to be a Spinach and Strawberry salad I thought I would hold off making mine until I get Mac settled in. She arrive and I find she has not had lunch yet so next  up was to narrow down what she was willing to eat. About the time I had her seated at the table Brett's dad called to say he had gotten off work early and was on his way to pick Brett up. I decided to get Brett out the door before moving forward with my salad. So, by the time the door had opened and closed that many times I had completely forgotten that I was going to test post-lunch. 

I just need to figure out excuses for fasting and breakfast misses. 

Day 151

Woooo, missed a day. Glad I didn't actually lose that day. I opened blogger twice, just never got around to posting anything. :P

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#Diabetes Day 150

8:00 p.m.
Been a good day today. Had BBQ pork sandwich for lunch and my BG was only 107 when tested at an hour and half post meal. 

Actually, I have been doing so well with my Diabetes that I wonder why i still blog it, but then again, it is a moving target and there is no telling what it holds for tomorrow or any day in my future. So . . . I will post even if it is just to say everything is status quo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#Diabetes Day 149

5:50 p.m.
Number we good after lunch - 121 - I had Salami and American Cheese with Honey Mustard on Italian bread. I almost skipped lunch altogether but good sense did prevail. My stomach got upset after supper last night and was is still not real happy today. Nothing coming out either end but just a feeling of something like indigestion or something. And before lunch it was more like pinching pains in my stomach. I still cast a suspicious eye at supper even though neither of the other two people who ate the same thing have had any issues. And then again, I have had stomach problems for many years, but those seemed to have been better since I started taking Omeprezol daily. And here it is almost supper time again and my stomach is still being moody with me. :( ugh.

Monday, June 13, 2011

#Diabetes Day 148

1:45 p.m.
While reading a post on Karen Graffeo's blog, Bitter~SweetI came across a link to the resources page on the Behavioral Diabetes Institute (BDI) website for a pdf on Diabetes Etiquette (for people without diabetes) and thought it was worth sharing. 

Here is an image of the etiquette card pdf: 

I like the layout and presentation, but because it may be harder to read (and may not show up at all on some mobile devices, here are the 10 rules of Diabetes Etiquette in plain text:

1 - DON'T offer unsolicited advice about my eating or other aspects of diabetes. You may mean well, but giving advice about someone's personal habits, especially when it is not requested, isn't very nice. Besides, many of the popularly held beliefs about diabetes ("you should just stop eating sugar") are out of date or just plain wrong.

2 - DO realize and appreciate that diabetes is hard work. Diabetes management is a full-time job that I didn't apply for, didn't want, and can't quit. It involves thinking about what, when, and how much I eat, while also factoring in exercise, medication, stress, blood sugar monitoring, and so much more - each and every day.

3 - DON'T tell me horror stories about your grandmother or other people with diabetes you have heard about. Diabetes is scary enough, and stories like these are not reassuring! Besides, we now know that with good management, odds are good you can live a long, healthy, and happy life with diabetes.

4 - DO offer to join me in making healthy lifestyle changes. Not having to be alone with efforts to change, like starting an exercise program, is one of the most powerful ways that you can be helpful. After all, healthy lifestyle changes can benefit everyone!

5 - DON'T look so horrified when I check my blood sugars or give myself an injection. It is not a lot of fun for me either. Checking blood sugars and taking medications are things I must do to manage diabetes well. If I have to hide while I do so, it makes it much harder for me.

6 - DO ask how you might be helpful. If you want to be supportive, there may be lots of little things I would probably appreciate your help with. However, what I really need may be very different than what you think I need, so please ask first.

7 - DON'T offer thoughtless reassurances. When you first learn about my diabetes, you may want to reassure me by saying things like, "Hey, it could be worse; you could have cancer!" This won't make me feel better. And the implicit message seems to be that diabetes is no big deal. However, diabetes (like cancer) IS a big deal.

8 - DO be supportive of my efforts for self-care. Help me set up an environment for success by supporting healthy food choices. Please honor my decision to decline a particular food, even when you really want me to try it. You are most helpful when you are not being a source of unnecessary temptation.

9 - DON'T peek at or comment on my blood glucose numbers without asking me first. These numbers are private unless I choose to share them. It is normal to have numbers that are sometimes too low or too high. Your unsolicited comments about these numbers can add to the disappointment, frustration, and anger I already feel.

10 - DO offer your love and encouragement. As I work hard to manage diabetes successfully, sometimes just knowing that you care can be very helpful and motivating.

The Diabetes Etiquette Card is free. Click here to view the pdf, or click here to go to the website to order printed copies.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

#Diabetes Day 147

4:45 p.m.
Been an odd kinda day overall. Fasting BG was 106 - I had Fiber One cereal knowing cereal is one of the foods that hits my sugar hard, but I just wasn't in the mood for a Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowl. Anyway, while making lunch I started feeling the early signs of going low, but when I checked I was only down to 92 - shouldn't be feeling a low coming on at 92. Figured I was not really going hypo and finished making lunch. Ate and then a couple hours later started feeling that "odd" stomach feeling I get when I start getting a low. I didn't do a finger stick but I did eat a Skinny Cow ice cream snack & that stopped it. I probably should have done the finger stick first, but I just didn't think about it until after I had eaten the ice cream snack. 

That's been a couple of hours now so I'm waiting to see if I'm going to be having this every two hours for the rest of the day. :/

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 146 #diabetes

9:00 a.m.
Am I crazy to want to test more often than once a day? I feel as if I'm missing a "big picture" of my control, but my doctor said I only "need" to test once a day. I will think about whether I want to address these feelings with him before my next appointment in November, or wait until November to see if my A1c stays good. If it does not stay as good I can double up my low-carb effort and get it back down (I think, but then again . . . as I understand it Diabetes is a progressive disease and what works now may not always work, so I may be shooting myself int he foot if I wait.)

And worry? Does worry affect my BG? Stress does and I kinda put stress and worry in the same category. My husband says (well, actually, a lot of people say) I worry too much. But how does one make themselves stop - it is a subconscious, automatic reaction I have. Hubby dear found an article in the paper and had me visit their website to take a quiz titled "Are You a World Class Worrier". I took the quiz and got a result of: Worrier With a Plan based on: 69% - Worrier With a Plan; 15% - Worry-free; 15%  World-class Worrier

It said: Your Personality Type: Worrier With a Plan

Worrier With a Plan - 69%
Worrier With a Plan:Well, you're not turning pro just yet, but you've got potential. You can imagine a bad scenario, but you usually have a plan to deal with it. And, that's a great thing. One of the best ways to ease your worries is to take action. Whether it's creating a place to put your keys or calling a lawyer when you when the lottery, a plan of action is a great way to ease your anxiety.

Worry-free - 15%
Worry-free: You could've written that song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy." You've got a great ability to imagine the best possible outcome, instead of the worst. Now, occasionally, a little worry is a good thing. (It might be a good idea to check on that elderly relative who doesn't answer the phone, for example.) But, generally your relaxed attitude will probably serve you well.

World-class Worrier - 15%
World-class Worrier: If worrying were a sport, you could turn pro. You've got a long list of worst-case scenarios lined up and ready to go at a moment's notice. This kind of worry can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress. Next time you start to spin out the worst possibilities, stop, take a breath and resolve to get the facts, and then make a plan, instead of worrying first. 

So, a Catch-22, if I worry about it I make it worse and if I don't worry about it then I will be worried about not having my numbers in as good a control as I want. 

(note my hashtag in the title? I decided to hashtag it since Networked Blogs pushes it to my Twitter for me - the hashtag will make it available to others searching diabetes.)

Day 145

I can't believe I opened blogger no less than 3 times yesterday and still never got a round to posting. 

I wonder if Diabetes kills brain cells? :/

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 144

3:30 p.m.
Not much going on. I had Fiber One cereal for breakfast and tested post-breakfast. Number was high, 194, but not as high as the last flavor of Fiber One. The Honey Cluster flavor seemed to make my BG higher (243) than the Caramel Delight flavor. 

Next week I want to run a test. I want to check my BG before eating, 1.5 hour after eating and the next day test before eating and during the 1.5 hour time frame while I wait to test post breakfast I want to go ahead and exercise. I'm curious if that is a good game plan to counter the effects of cereal on my BG. 

I know exercise causes a significant drop in my glucose number. If I exercise during the 1.5 hour interval between breakfast and post-meal test, does the glucose drop from exercise offset the glucose increase caused by the cereal in the overall scope of things? Or, is the cereal increase still going to negatively impact my A1c regardless? Now, that second one is a question for my doctor.

I generally wait until after my breakfast post-meal test to start exercise because I did not want to glucose drop from exercise to alter and perhaps skew my test result, but if countering the glucose rise with the exercise drop is more beneficial then I will change when I start my exercises.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 143

3:25 p.m.
A good day so far. Went out for Chinese for lunch and forgot to set my timer to test post-lunch. I declare it was easier to test when I had to test more often than just once a day! Once a day - randomly - just doesn't work well for me.

Been reading up on more issued Diabetics face and wanted to add a link to an article I may want to refer back to sometime. it is regarding bone density. I don't have any issues yet, but we all know that it is an issue as we age and apparently being Diabetic adds to the risk.

Okay, that's all for now :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 142

7:50 p.m.
Good day today - fasting BG was 100. Finished off the Half-recipe of Strawberry Trifle I made Saturday and had to make another today. Yes, I did 'have to" - I mean, after all, I still had half the Angel Food Cake and half the glaze just sitting in the refrigerator taking up space. :D

Went swimming after lunch today - didn't plan to stay out there but about an hour, but the water was so nice I ended up staying two - gonna pay for it for the next couple of days since I got more sun than I needed. D: No swimming for me for a couple of days.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 141

10:00 a.m.
So far so good, but what do I know? I haven't tested BG for today yet. I guess at this point I will test supper since I tested lunch yesterday and didn't think to get the fasting or the post-breakfast check today.

I have enjoyed my Skinny Cow Ice Cream for my night-time snack, but, they are not totally without fault. Health-wise - better than regular ice cream, but probably not the best option. I will still keep an eye open for a good Diabetic friendly homemade ice cream recipe and for a store bought diabetic friendly ice cream. 

In the meantime, I can always enjoy my Strawberry Trifle I made from the recipe my daughter got from a co-worker who makes it for her own mother who has Diabetes. It is super simple and super good! Here, try it:

Sugar-Free Angel Food Cake (got mine in the bakery of my local Publix Grocery)
Sugar-Free Vanilla Pudding, instant kind (I made it with whole milk, but next time I think I will try it with Almond Milk)
Sugar-Free Strawberry Glaze (got this at Publix also, it was right there where the fresh strawberries were)
Fresh Strawberries - sliced to a decent bite size works best)
Sugar-Free Cool Whip

Break the Sugar-Free Angel Food cake into chunks
         I think my daughter broke it into about 1.5 inch chunks but I broke it into bite size.
Place the cake in the bottom of a Trifle bowl
        or, like we did, a plastic bowl that has a cover so it can be refrigerated.
Prepare Sugar-Free Pudding according to direction & pour over the cake chunks.
Mix sliced strawberries with Sugar-Free Strawberry Glaze and pour over the pudding
        the strawberry glaze is nice and thick so I had to spread it out to cover the 
        I will suggest you look for the strawberry glaze because it worked really well. 
        My daughter made her own strawberry glaze with Truvia and it kinda broke down 
        and became too thin and watery.
Top with Sugar-free Cool Whip and refrigerate until ready to serve.

It is delicious! Really refreshing - not quite ice-cream, but a really good option! 

I will work on nutritional calculations later and update this post :)

Day 140

Day 140 fell on Sunday and went by without much notice - and . . . without a blog post (I sure am bad about remembering stuff on a daily basis! But, that is not a new issue. No, it's really not - had I been better about daily remembering I would not have gotten pregnant twice while I was suppose to be on birth control pills. I actually told my obstetrician that if I could remember to take a pill every day i wouldn't be there seeing him. That was in response to his scolding for my failing to take my vitamins and iron supplements like I was suppose to. And if you've read earlier posts on my blog you know I had to get a small alarm clock to set to remind me to take my Metformin every night.
Odd thing though, I can remember dates of specific things very well - just not daily things :/

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 139

12:05 a.m.
Start this now, and regardless of how tomorrow turns out, Day 139's post will actually happen on Day 139.
Goodnight for now :)

Good day - I think, maybe, but then again . . . 

Well, I opted not to test post-breakfast, but I had cereal and I KNOW it made my BG high, but it's a tug-of-war between working the BG number and working the cholesterol number. Today the cholesterol number won out.

I did test post-supper and was 121 - and that is pretty good considering I had a Skinny Cow Ice Cream for dessert :P


Well, missed day 138 by mere minutes - been a long day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 137

10:15 p.m.
Good day, once I got past breakfast. I had Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters and it sent my glucose to 253. I could keep the glucose below 180 by eating the Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls, but that hits my cholesterol hard whereas cereal hits my glucose hard. Can't win for losing sometimes :/

On the bright side - I had a Skinny Cow Ice Cream and it was pretty darn good! :D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 136

10;00 p.m.
Good day overall. I ate cereal, but I have not tested a cereal breakfast in a while. I know what it will be - high - cereal does that. But it sure was good, even though it is not what I ate for most of my adult life - Lucky Charms - the cereal of magically amused people like me. No, this time I got Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters - and it  was good even though it has no marshmallows. And I use Almond milk, so that helps with the carbs - and calories..