Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#Diabetes Day 156

8:45 p.m.
Good Supper - baked bean, slaw, corn and broccoli - BG 130 :)

I'm really happy today. At our house my dear hubby does the grocery shopping - that is something that we slowly morphed into over 30+ years of marriage. And it works well, for the most part. But then there are those other times. Most of you probably know those times. The ones where a person in our life, well, okay, admittedly, primarily the men in our lives don't actually engage full brain energy in decision making. Such has been the case the last few weeks as I put sugar-free ice cream on the grocery list. 

I told Hubby Dear that a friend had posted on facebook that Wal-Mart had their own brand that was sugar-free and fat-free and actually tasted good. But alas, hubby brought no ice cream home for me. He said they didn't have any Wal-mart brand ice cream that was both sugar-free and fat-free.

The next week I asked him to look for sugar-free ice cream again - any brand. No ice cream.

Last week I asked if he was looking just for the Wal-Mart brand or any and he said any. But still no ice cream.

Today he said he was going to go to Wal-Mart and I asked him to look for sugar-free ice cream again. He said he looks every time but that I was welcome to go with him and see for myself. So I did go. 

I came home with two different half gallons and was tempted to buy a couple of other flavors . . . ALL sugar free ice cream. 

So how is it that I now have sugar-free ice cream in the freezer that has not been there for the last few weeks? Well, it's because the carton reads "No Sugar Added" as opposed to "Sugar-Free". I never requested "No Sugar Added" ice cream - I requested "Sugar-free" ice cream.

I'm also proud of the fact that i didn't clobber him upside the head with a box of Edy's Fruit Pops that I also nabbed a few boxes of.

ummm . . . yeah, frozen treats are a weakness of mine.

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