Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 87

3:40 p.m.
Fasting BG was 115 and I DID eat my spoonful of peanut butter. Geez, there just seems to be no hope for that fasting number. And yet, I am suppose to keep my glucose and metabolism balanced by starting the day with a good breakfast! Talk about a a Catch 22.

And I am sooo going to tell my doctor he needs to write me a new prescription for my test strips. He writes it for testing twice a day, but some days I test three times, especially if my fasting was high to start with. I had a 30 day prescription at the drug store from January and then he gave me a 90 day prescription in February so I figured it was not going to be an issue of test strips since I could fall back on the 30 day script if I ran short . . . but apparently that's not working out since the drugstore doesn't seem to be able to find my January script in their system.

And, yes, I could just buy them OTC, but they cost twice as much when bought without the prescription rate. Which I think is pretty crappy considering most people who can't afford insurance don't need the burden of a double priced script.

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