Wednesday, August 24, 2011

#Diabetes - Day 220

Well, it's kinda depressing to see the BG numbers starting to reflect my having come off of Metformin. My good sense knew there was a very high probability this would happen, but my questionable sense held onto the hope that we actually caught my Diabetes and got it in control quickly enough that maybe my body would have forgotten that it was suppose to have Diabetes. I mean, I've seen people post things in discussion boards to the effect of "use to have Diabetes" or "once had" and such as that. And, every time I would see this I thought to myself that this/these person/people are delusional. All of the medical information I have read says that there is NO cure for Diabetes. That's the part my good sense was always referring back to. But I guess my questionable sense kept pushing it's naive wonderings (yeah, that may be one of my made up word) in there by saying that maybe, just maybe that really only applies to Type 1 Diabetes since that seems to actually relate more to a non-functioning pancreas whereas Type 2 Diabetes seems to relate more to an insulin resistance (and I will disclaimer here: I AM NOT A DOCTOR, REGISTERED DIETITIAN OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. THAT STATEMENT IS SIMPLY MY THOUGHTS AND CONCLUSIONS, MISALIGHNED OR NOT, REGARDING THE SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN T1 & T2 DIABETES). But anyway, my questionable sense kept saying that maybe, just maybe, if caught early enough, and quickly gotten in control, T2 could actually reverse and the body's cell would actually accept and use insulin correctly again. 

Well, I reduced my Metformin last Monday to 500mg per day. I took the last 500mg dose Sunday morning. I am not taking any Metformin at this time . . . and my BG numbers are starting to show it.

Good Sense knew this was a possibility, so why does it make me feel depressed when I see it in my meter? I sure wish Questionable Sense would not be so naughty!!

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