Friday, June 17, 2011

#Diabetes Day 152

3:30 p.m.
Well, I meant to test fasting and forgot, so I thought I'd test post-breakfast and forgot, so I decided lunch would work even though I have tested lunch three days in a row now and that kinda messes with the "random" aspect, but I forgot so now I am shooting for post-supper and I think I have no hope. Can I blame Diabetes for a poor memory? Well, then, can I blame years of Corporate America stress? C'mon, lets not make me blame age - age is always getting a bum rap.

Well, to be perfectly honest I'm going to take the lunch miss out of the calculations because my house was Grand Central during lunch with one grand-kid arriving with another grand-kid leaving and there was repeat processes taking place in the way of lunch meals fed. Does that make sense? No? Well, if you know me, then you know it does! But, for those who don't "really" know me it goes like this: I had started preparing a sub-style sandwich for Brett - my 15 y.o. grandson who has been staying with us this week. While making his lunch the momma of McKenzie, my 6 y.o. grand-daughter, called to ask if she could go ahead and drop her off for the weekend. Since my lunch was going to be a Spinach and Strawberry salad I thought I would hold off making mine until I get Mac settled in. She arrive and I find she has not had lunch yet so next  up was to narrow down what she was willing to eat. About the time I had her seated at the table Brett's dad called to say he had gotten off work early and was on his way to pick Brett up. I decided to get Brett out the door before moving forward with my salad. So, by the time the door had opened and closed that many times I had completely forgotten that I was going to test post-lunch. 

I just need to figure out excuses for fasting and breakfast misses. 

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