Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 11

BG is still good but my close vision (as in reading my monitor) is somewhat blurred again. Not sure why that happened but I am hoping there is a link between exercise or not. My doctor told me he wanted me to add 45 minutes a day for four days a week so I decided those four days would be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday therefor I did not Wii my little Mii yesterday. Today is Thursday so I will exercise around 1:30 this afternoon and see if the vision improves. If the exercise helps to burn up excess glucose than maybe that will help with the blurred vision. And there could be a connection between two of yesterday's BG readings since my 11:00 was back up to 150 and my 4:00 was up to 178. However, my 9:00 was back down to 101. And this morning at 8:00 it was back down to 96. Of course I would have thought excess glucose would affect my BG readings more than that amount of increase before it would have any affect on my vision, but then again, what do I really know? I'm still learning this Disease.

Numbers are still good,but if I don't find some more things to add to my (short) list of foods that I will eat that also fit into the "high protein - low carb" family I will become a lot harder to live with! I am already so tired of chicken cooked int he oven. I have tried it baked with Panko and just marinated and baked, but it is all still just chicken. 

On the brighter side, my Wii fit told me I was down 1.3 pounds from when it weighed me on Monday. Not that losing weight is a focus, but I'll accept it as a side effect.

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