Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 14

BG is still looking good. All I need now is a remedy to the fatigue and the vision which seems to have it's own schedule for when it wants to be blurry or clear. I have read several articles on the issue of being tired with Diabetes, and I am doing a lot of what is recommended, but I guess I just have not been doing these things long enough. Hopefully with time, with time.

Sunday morning and ribs are in the smokers. It has been a while since we had a smoker. After the last one burned through Terry decided not to replace it because he said the carport was too cluttered. So, we didn't cook ribs at all for a while, then when we did start cooking ribs again I figured out an acceptable alternative to the slow smoker method. But they were never really the same and never really as good. Finally, after several years Terry decided we needed a smoker again so we could have good ribs again.

Now the issue is relearning our time schedule for smoking low & slow. We kinda got a late start this morning so I had to start them out on the gas grill and move them to the smoker once the charcoal was burned off like it needed to be. 

One up side to a low-carb diet is a carnivore has a lot to eat. And since I was always a meat & potatoes kinda gal, that is half good for me! Looking forward to my ribs for lunch! :)

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