Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 15

BG is looking good. I just checked it and it was up to 129, but the 8:00 and 11:00 checks were both below 100. And I did eat two pieces of sugar free candy, which, while being sugar free is not carb free, so those carbs may be what pushed it up a bit. I'm not really worried about the 129 since I plan to have a salad for supper and being below 200 means no supplemental insulin, so I'm okay with 129.

And, wow, I am really late to the blog-o-sphere today. I am so easily distracted it [Squirrel!!] it is kinda scar at times. But, in my own defense, and I do have to try to defend myself, I had decided to move my exercise to mornings and today was the first day for morning exercises. But it isn't just the move of the exercise time that has thrown my day off. 

First, I had a hard time falling asleep last night, so of course that made it harder to get up this morning, so after my alarm went off I crawled back in bed for another half hour. Once up and breakfast out of the way I killed an hour checking email, facebook etc., then on to exercise. And today I doubled my walk time from last week, but then again, I skipped some of the games, so that should have been a wash. but after getting my shower it seemed  like it was already lunch time and as soon as lunch was over I got ready & we went to the grocery store in search of sugar free junk food for my cravings. Found several that I bought, just wish I could find more snack foods that are carb free. I will keep looking for those - I have time enough since this will all have to be a change for a lifetime.

One thing I did buy to try is Silk brand Almond Milk. Interesting is one way to describe it. It seems that almonds are very diabetic friendly, so I thought I would see what the almond milk was like since even low-fat chocolate milk is pretty high in carbs. The almond milk is very very good on the nutritional label, and even if I used regular chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk I would be better than the pre-packaged chocolate milk options I have looked at so far. So, I of course had to taste this almond milk once I got home and what can I say about it? Well, okay, think about how almonds taste. Now think about taking those almonds and boiling them in water until they are soft, then puree them and strain them through several layers of cheesecloth and throw away the pulp. What you have would be the almond milk that tastes like boiled almonds, mushed and strained. It's not a bad taste really, but it certainly does not taste like milk. And I'm not yet sure how it will taste made into chocolate milk, but you can bet I will find out soon enough. 

I already made some sugar free chocolate pudding with the almond milk. It didn't whisk up as well as I expected, but I don't know if that was because I used the almond milk or because I just can't whisk with the same vigor I once did. But it turned out okay. I let it set up in the fridge for a bit and then took the electric beaters to it and it smoothed out nicely. I added some sugar free cool whip to it and it is now in the fridge waiting for me to enjoy. 

With the nutritional numbers of this almond milk being so good I will probably use this as a milk replacement going forward.
Oh, and another "new" item I bought to try today is parsnip. Someone on one of the Diabetes discussion boards said it was real good - that it was crunchy & sweet. I sure hope she was right. More on that new item after I actually try it! :)

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