Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 100

2:00 p.m.
Fasting BG was good - 98. I'm always happy when my fasting is good. I had oatmeal again today, but I didn't test after breakfast. For one, I tested post-breakfast yesterday and I should be testing "random" and for two, I really didn't want to destroy that Happy Fasting feeling.

Dear Hubby went to the doctor and told him the numbers I had for his three random BG tests I did on him and the doctor agreed they were high, but has made no diagnosis. Since Terry had been fasting in anticipation of a blood draw he went ahead and had that done today. The doctor will call him with the results. He didn't request stat tests since Terry has none of the outward symptoms such as tiredness or blurred vision etc.. He may get off with a Pre-diabetes diagnosis and warning, but if he doesn't heed that warning and go ahead with some lifestyle changes he could still be facing a certain future with Diabetes. We just have to wait this one out. 

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