Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 84

8:30 a.m.
Fasting BG was back down to 100. I ate my peanut butter late snack and I also had a good solid sleep. The first waking was after the light of the early morning was coming through the window. I didn't look at a clock to see the time, but I could easily see that the farmers had probably already collected the chicken eggs and milked the cows.

I have spent the last hour reading some good articles on one of my Diabetes sites so since it is early and there is not much to report for the day I will share another article that I read.(There are two goog reasons to share these articles - one to better inform anyone who reads this blog and two is to help me find these articles again if I want to refer back to them int he future.. (new task for me - add tagd to these posts. Going forward is easy enough, going back will take some time since there are 83 prior posts)

Anyway, the article I will share is about dealing with Diabetes Burnout. According to the National Diabetes Education Program, you may be able to prevent negative feelings from escalating by finding ways to ease stress. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Take a few minutes each day to spend time on a hobby you enjoy, meditate, or practice deep breathing.
  • Keep a journal to record not just what you eat and your glucose levels, but also to note how you feel — what bothers you and what makes you feel better.
  • Ask yourself how you can divide your management plan into smaller steps that will make it seem easier to master. 
I am glad I already keep the journal and some days I do spend time with my hobby. Not every day with my scrapbooking and card making hobby, but I keep myself entertained enough that I hopefully am postponing burnout as much as I can.
You can read the full article here: Type 2 Diabetes Burnout.

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