Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 19

Lost another morning to sleep and the internet. I was so tired this morning that I went back to sleep for an extra hour after my alarm went off. I'm not sure why I was so tired since I got more than 8 hours last night. But then again, one of the issues with Diabetes is being tired. 

Once I was up I got online to update my Food Tracker and got sidetracked by a new Diabetes website with more discussion boards. Lost the rest of my morning to that. Didn't update mt food tracker, didn't post my morning blog. Didn't even do my morning exercises.And having skipped my exercises means I skipped my morning shower. Now I have to do my exercises as soon as I get this post published and then hop in the shower.

Egads! Time does get away from me!

And still haven't started my exercises. I think it's a good thing I told my daughter that I would rather she brought my grandson over this evening rather than me going to pick him up from school. At this rate I may not have my exercise & shower out of the way by suppertime!!

7:00 p.m.
Got my exercise and shower around 3-4 this afternoon. Way late, but gosh it is so easy to procrastinate. Especially if you find interesting reading on the internet.

Made a high-protein/low carb casserole for supper. It was good. Good enough that I will make it again. My hubby and grandson said it was good and that they would eat it again, but neither helped themselves to seconds so I don't know if they were just trying to make me happy by saying it was good or not.

Ah well, still on the prowl for more & better high-protein/low carb recipes. :D

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