Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 37

2:15 p.m.
BG still looking good and fourth 10-minute Step session still kicking my backside! 

I was naughty for lunch today! I ate two, I shall repeat, TWO BLT sandwiches for lunch! I felt as if I were starving! I know I'm not starving, heck I could probably live a couple of months on just body fats, but I sure felt as if I were starving. And my sugar was dropping on me and that always adds anxiety and a sensation of an urgency to get food in me. I really gotta watch those lows because they really have a serious control over me when I go hypoglycemic! 

And  that's another thing that is still so confusing about having Diabetes - going hypoglycemic like I do. The doctor said it was not uncommon for some Diabetics to have those sugar swings - guess I drew that lucky straw! I did buy some glucose tablets at the drugstore, but I really bought those to keep in my purse in case I am out and my kitchen is not readily available. But today I was in the process of frying the bacon when it started. I kept hoping the bacon would all get done sooner so I could eat and finally had to break down and chomp a piece of the bacon that was already out of the skillet. I probably could have shot that sugar back up quicker with a piece of candy that's in the cupboard for the grand-kids, but I really don't want to start using the sugar lows as an excuse to eat sugar like that - so I ate that bacon and hung in there until it was done and then I scarfed down two BLT's faster than my hubby could finish off half of his second one. 

Well, I will make up for my extra bread carbs with supper. I'm going to have a salad of Baby Spinach, fresh strawberries, pecan halves, some bacon bits I made from the extra bacon at lunch and some grated Manchego Cheese topped with a Raspberry Vinaigrette! That is one wonderful salad! Yumm!

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