Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 21

Well, I am learning that this disease is not easy to learn. I expected my BG to go up after lunch today, but it didn't. In fact, it was still below 90 when I checked 2 hours after lunch. And, if you are wondering why I think it should go up, well, because I ate rice & gravy at lunch today. Not a lot mind you, but since rice is one of the foods (I thought) to be high in starch, which will convert to sugar, I really expected my BG to be high, or at the very least to be higher than it is. 

I was also confused by my cereal this past week. I had a BG over 200 for the first time in 13 days and I saw no cause for it. The differences between that day and the day before were 1) I slept late that day and therefore ate breakfast late; 2) a difference in the cereal I ate. Both were Special K. The day before the spike I ate Special K Blueberry - 11:00 BG was 154. The day of the spike I ate Special K Cinnamon Pecan - BG 221. 

I verified the serving sizes are the same. And the differences with the 2 cereals are:
Calories - Blueberry 110/Cinnamon Pecan 120
Calories from Fat - Blueberry 0/Cinnamon Pecan 15
Total Fat - Blueberry 0/Cinnamon Pecan 2
Sodium - Blueberry 140/Cinnamon Pecan 180
Carbohydrates - Blueberry 28g/Cinnamon Pecan 24g
Sugars - Blueberry 8g/Cinnamon Pecan 7g
Other carbohydrates - Blueberry 15g/Cinnamon Pecan 14g

Looking at the nutrition labels and would have thought the Cinnamon Pecan was a better option since it was slightly lower in carbs and sugar. But, I had to suspect the cereal and was annoyed since I really did like the Cinnamon Pecan better. But not at the cost of having to inject a supplemental Humalog shot.
Being curious by nature, and ... needing to better understand my foods and how they will affect my BG I tested the cereal a bit.

Well, I ate the same cereal again yesterday morning and this morning. I woke at my normal time both mornings and ate at my normal time both morning.

Yesterday I tested my BG at the regular intervals - 8:00 BG = 90 & 11:00 BG = 102.
So, assuming the issue the day before was related to the shorter time between getting up and eating and then taking the 11:00 BG check I decided to do an extra BG check this morning. This morning I tested my BG at 8:00 and it was 86. I checked at 10:00 and it was 111. So since it was not back up into the 200 range with the abbreviated test interval I have no explanation.

This journey is really going to be a roller coaster ride - never really knowing what caused spikes and what caused lows.

On the bright side - I don't look at the cereal with a suspicious eye anymore, which is a good thing since it really does taste good!

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