Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 24

5:30 p.m.
BG still looking good! :)

Let the whole day get away from me without updating my blog. But, trust me, I have been busy. Not physically busy, but busy. Had a hair appointment at 9:30 and didn't get back home until after 11. Lunch. Then started downloading & setting up an iTunes application. For the last three weeks as I exercised I either listened to the Wii voice count to four over & over or I played a CD in my old Sony Discman. I had to resort to the Discman because the mini-shelf system in my den stopped playing CD's a couple of years ago and I just never really worried about it too much until I started doing the Wii Fit and wishing I had something more entertaining to listen to. And the Discman is okay, for what it is and for what I bought it for years ago - a portable means of playing CD's. I actually used it a lot back when I would spend weeks at a time in Atlanta in training classes. But for listening to music from it in my den at home . . . it leaves a lot to be desired! 

I tried putting the TV on a different channel, since the Wii said I could do that while using the "Free Walk" exercise. But the screen had diagonal lines scrolling across it the whole time and I gave that up pretty quick.
Well, I looked for me a new mini-shelf system this week, but the only ones I found that would let me load more than 1 CD at a time were way overpriced, especially knowing that they don't seem to have a long shelf life. What I did find in my hunt was that docking stations for iPods are all over the place and really rather inexpensive. So I ordered one of those from Amazon and an iPod Nano from Apple. 

And that led to me downloading the iTunes application and setting that up . . . immediately followed by downloading some of my favorite CD's to the computer and pulling out favorite songs to an exercise play list. Yep, pretty much killed an afternoon. 
But at least when my iPod and docking station get here I will be ready. :)

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