Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 27

BG still good. I'm am hopeful it stays as good in the next few days as it did for the last few days. 

I saw my doctor yesterday and he was very pleased with the improvement in my numbers so far. He reduced my daily Lantus to 10 units & took me off any supplemental Humalog for the time being. He also has changed up the way I am to test my BG for a while. Rather than 4 set checks a day he wants a fasting check first thing in the morning & then one other check during the day - 1.5 - 2 hours after a meal - any meal and switch up which meal each day. I will email him in two weeks with these BG checks and we will see if that schedule needs to be modified any. WooHoo! that is two less finger sticks per day! My poor fingers are dancing with delight! :D

I also asked yesterday what my A1c was when he diagnosed me three weeks ago - it was 12.46. For most people with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association recommends an A1C of less than 7%. Another group of experts, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, recommends an even lower A1C of 6.5% or less. Either way, mine was definitely high! My doctor said it wasn't the highest he had ever seen, but it ranked way up there. But I expect it to be much improved when I go back in May since I have made so many modifications to my diet and my BG check numbers have been good lately. More about A1c can be read here. It's really kind of amazing that there is a 2-3 month footprint in our blood that can be read by a test.

I thought my doctor would also be very pleased with my getting exercise four days a week, but he said walking was fine, but what he wants me to look at doing is a more high energy aerobic exercise. I told him that has to come later because I sweat up a storm and  get winded just doing the walking exercises! Seriously, we are talking about someone who has not done anything close to aerobic exercise in over 15 years! Eek!


  1. I know, right? I think that is almost Diabetic coma level. I now know that was what was causing me to sleep full days away! How I wish I had those days back and how I wish I had listened to my doctor when he put me on Blood Pressure meds and told me I needed to change my diet & start exercising! I could have possibly held this off for a while longer. I thought "well, if I can control the BP with meds, then it's all good." But it is a lot easier to swallow those pills than to take these shots and do these finger sticks!

  2. You had better take care of YOU! I Love you and I NEED YOU!
