Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 50

8:30 a.m.
Fasting BG was good.

Well, I woke up dreading that it was Monday. Poor Monday, it gets such a bum rap - kids hate it cause they have to go to school & parents hate it cause they have to go to work. Some grandparents dread it because they have to go to work also, but that's not my case. No. I dread it because it means exercise again. Six weeks of this and I am still not caught up in the exercise feel it, need it, love it, gung ho. No, for me it is still a matter of dread. Oh, don't get me wrong, I will do it, for my health, but I just don't look forward to it. 
I think today I will do a 20-minute Free Step and then 3 sets of the 10-minute Cardio for Beginners. That will help with the last 30 minutes since it takes me at least three to get close to be in sync with the girls on the DVD, so for the entire time I will be distracted with just trying to change from heel kicks to lunges. And forget about grapevines! That is an accident just waiting for me. I tried them a couple of times when I worked out to this DVD Friday and had no luck. I know "how" to do them, and at one time in my life I actually did do them, but that was 20 years ago in a Jazzercise class in a school gym where there was plenty of room to move around and I suspect that even then I may not have been moving in a straight grapevine from side-to-side but probably in a diagonal. Good thing there was plenty of room in that gym!

Okay, onward to my e-mail and other internet business before I get on with & get the exercising over with for today!

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