Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 69

6:45 p.m.
Fasting BG was down to 102, and I slept well last night (without Excedrin PM, I might add).

But if stress does cause a rise in BG, I may see a high number when I test at 7:30. I ate food that I have eaten & tested and it did not cause a spike, so if it is high then I will certainly blame stress. I get stressed quite easily, and today I have had an extra dose of stress just from trying to guide a 6yo in a game that is probably a year or two ahead of her age. But I made the mistake of introducing her to it a week or so back and she loves it, she just doesn't have the ability to read the tasks or the reaction time to be even close to okay at it if left to her own abilities. And I say "okay" because that would precede acceptable or good or excellent. And she has wanted to play it ALL day.

Then I had to follow that with getting her shampooed and bathed without getting her cast (cast from her hand all the way up to practically in her armpit - so not a lot of room for securing a plastic bag to keep it dry).

But . . . I did manage to get her bathed and shampooed without doing damage to the cast and I finally told her she had played on the computer enough for one day, so now she is in the other room playing with dolls and I am about to take something for a stress headache.

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