Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 71

9:15 a.m.
Fasting BG was 99 today.I'm not sure what is considered a "high" fasting number, but mine has been creeping up for the last couple of weeks - not significantly, but enough that it affects and limits my choices for breakfast (which I rarely ever ate until my diagnosis in Jan.).

I send my glucose #'s to my doctor every other week and I even pointed this out to him (this past Friday) but he was not really concerned - he just said that my "Glucoses look quite good overall." So I have to assume my fasting BG's are not high enough to be a "medical" issue.

From my diagnosis until recently my fasting BG was in the 90's (even a couple down in the 80's). But these last couple of weeks they have been consistently in the low 100's (102 - 111). And, while that may not be high it does mean I have to choose a breakfast that raises my BG less than 38 - 47 points. Which has been a struggle since cereals and oatmeal seem to hit my sugar hard. Even just my morning coffee with Splenda was causing a 26 point rise by itself. So, though trial & test I found that Truvia has less effect on my BG - so my coffee now gets sweetened with Truvia (every little point I can knock off helps).

But my fasting BG was still starting higher than I wanted it to so I tried a few of the recommendations I read in the discussion boards on Diabetic Connect (my favorite Diabetes forum). I tried a handful of peanuts at bedtime - no help. I tried cashew nuts - no help. I tried some sliced ham and American cheese - no help. So I bought a jar of peanut butter (a food that has not been kept in my cupboard since my children got grown & moved out). I ate a spoonful Sat. night just before bedtime and my fasting BG for Sun. morning was 97! I again ate a spoonful last night just before bedtime and my fasting BG for this morning was 99 (not as low as yesterday, but still below 100)!

So far the spoonful of peanut butter seems to be helping so I will be eating peanut butter at bedtime going forward. 

I am so glad I found the Diabetic Connect group (you can link to them in the sidebar) - there are so many great people on there who have so much hands-on experience to share. Always so helpful and friendly to the "newbies"!

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